Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What is beauty ???

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, says an old saying. It is said that Laila was dark, skinny, with cracked lips and blackened teeth. She had a tobacco and paan chewing habit. But to the smitten Majnu, she was beautiful, and he gave his life up for her.

When I hear the term “Classic Beauty” I wonder. Perception of beauty is a very subjective thing, and every country has its own ideal. And then there is the matter of personal taste. Some people may find a cine star lovely, others may find her too artificial.

So what is real beauty? It took me almost a lifetime to get the answer.

As a child, I was one of those who can be called “cute” or “pretty”. My father did not like that at all. He was of the opinion that most good looking adults are shallow. So high sounding phrases like “Beauty is as Beauty does” and “Cultivating the inner self” etc. became subject of discourse. Not that it mattered to me. I basked in admiration and developed into a vain girl. Things come easy to pretty girls, which suited me, and I really liked the impression I created.

Thank God anorexia was not something we heard of then, otherwise, given the time I spent preening in front of the mirror, I was the right candidate for it.

As I grew up, I became interested in dramatics. Of course, I accepted none other than the leading female role. As I became proficient in emoting, I stared getting small jobs as a model and was offered a job as a leading actress in movies. My mother thought the producer was sleazy and freaked. She must have been right, he is not a big name and I never heard of any movie by a production house with that name. But I was young and over the moon! That led to a lot of unpleasantness at home. The parents disapproved, to put it mildly. It had nothing to do with “inner self” and “moral fiber”. Real beauty, as per my parents, had nothing to do with good features and fair skin. That was just a genetic gift.

It had nothing to do with all the time I spent in front of the mirror and all the products I slathered on my self. That was superficial, and not long lasting. Oh, I resented their sermons and even laughed at this obsession with the inner self.

Now I am fifty plus, and life has taught me much, but has taken away that fresh cutesy look of yore. Whatever claims I had towards attractiveness have been ravaged by time, and a lifetime’s worth of indulgence in food. I look at myself in the mirror and see an old woman, with graying hair and an expanding girth. So, does that make me ugly?

No, it does not.

When my sons hug me, snuggle into me and look me in the eyes, I see love. It makes me feel beautiful. When they say, “You are the best Mom” I feel lovely. I want to look my best for them.

When my partner looks at me with loving eyes and says, “You look so wonderful” it makes me feel gorgeous, like a goddess, or like Helen of Troy. I want to shine, to see the adoration in his eyes.

Perhaps my father spoke sense. True beauty is something that emanates from some where inside a person. And he really pushed me into developing the inner me.

But packaging is important too. We do live in a world where impressions matter. My beauty is real, it stems from the inner me, but I still spend time in front of the mirror and slathering products on my self. It satisfies the inner me.

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what is trust ????

Trust is both and emotional and logical act. Emotionally, it is where you expose your vulnerabilities to people, but believing they will not take advantage of your openness. Logically, it is where you have assessed the probabilities of gain and loss, calculating expected utility based on hard performance data, and concluded that the person in question will behave in a predictable manner. In practice, trust is a bit of both. I trust you because I have experienced your trustworthiness and because I have faith in human nature.

We feel trust. Emotions associated with trust include companionship, friendship, love, agreement, relaxation, comfort.

There are a number of different ways we can define trust. Here are the dimensions of trust and consequent definitions.


It is a normal part of the human condition to be constantly forecasting ahead. We build internal models of the world based both on our experiences and what others tell us, and then use these to guess what will happen next. This allows us to spot and prepare for threats and also make plans to achieve our longer-term goals.

The greatest unpredictability is at 50%; a reliable enemy can be preferable to an unpredictable friend, as at least we know where we are with them.

Definition 1: Trust means being able to predict what other people will do and what situations will occur. If we can surround ourselves with people we trust, then we can create a safe present and an even better future.

Value exchange

Most of what we do with other people is based around exchange, which is the basis for all businesses as well as simple relationships. At its simplest, it is exchange of goods. I will swap you two sheep for one cow. It is easy to calculate the value in such material bargaining. Things get more complex when less tangible forces come into play. A parent exchanges attention for love. A company exchanges not only pay but good working conditions for the intellectual and manual efforts of its workforce.

Value exchange works because we each value things differently. If I have a whole flock of sheep but no milk, then I can do business with a person who has a herd of cows but no clothes. This principle of reciprocity is what binds societies together.

Trust in value exchange occurs when we do not know fully whether what we are receiving is what we expect. When we buy a car, don’t want to be sold a ringer which the seller knows is faulty. When I get advice in business, I want it to be based on facts, not wild opinions.

Definition 2: Trust means making an exchange with someone when you do not have full knowledge about them, their intent and the things they are offering to you.

Delayed reciprocity

Exchange is not just about an immediate swapping of cows and sheep or hugs and kisses. What makes companies and societies really work is that something is given now, but the return is paid back some time in the future. The advantage of this is that we can create a more flexible environment, where you can get what you need when you need it, rather than having to save up for it.

Trust now becomes particularly important, because otherwise we are giving something for nothing. The delay we have placed in the reciprocal arrangement adds a high level of uncertainty which we need to mitigate through trust.

What is often called the ‘golden rule’ is a simple formula for creating trust. ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’ It sets up the dynamic for my giving you something now with the hope of getting back some unspecified thing in the indeterminate future.

Definition 3: Trust means giving something now with an expectation that it will be repaid, possibly in some unspecified way at some unspecified time in the future.

Exposed vulnerabilities

When we trust other people, we may not only be giving them something in hope of getting something else back in the future, we may also be exposing ourselves in a way that they can take advantage of our vulnerabilities. If I buy a car from you and I do not know a good price, you can lie to me so you get a better bargain. If I tell you in confidence about the problems I am having with work, you could use this to further your own career at my expense.

Although the threat of retribution or projected feelings of guilt can counteract your temptation to abuse my exposed vulnerabilities, if you succumb I still get hurt and may still end up with the shorter stick. For our transaction to complete successfully, I must be able to trust that such agonies will not come to pass.

Definition 4: Trust means enabling other people to take advantage of your vulnerabilities—but expecting that they will not do this.

So what?

So learn about trust, how it works and how to build it. If you do it well, other people will give you the earth. If you betray them, they will hunt you to the ends of the earth.

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what is true love ???

The True Love Is Something That Everyone Wants To Feel!!

What is true love? The true love is something that everyone wants to feel, but it is a fact that only a little part of the people has the luck to meet her. What is actually the true love? That is the most beautiful thing that can happen to someone, because that is one shared feeling. When you meet someone and fall in love with him that is not the true love still. If this person shares your feelings that still is not the true love.

But it is true that this is the first step to that amazing feeling. The true love is something more then falling in love. She is at the first place trust, because without him every relationship is fated and can’t survive a long time. When you have trust in your partner you are anxiety-free. That must be shared because when the one person in the relationship believes in the other, but the other don’t do this, this leads to problems and probably to broke up. The true love is a friendship. You must to can be not only lover to your partner, you must be his friend.

Your partner must be the man from who you can ask for advice and who you can say your secrets, because he will not say to no one else this things, he wouldn’t be betrayed you. It is a true love when you can talk about everything with the person who you are in love with. Exactly the talking is the most important thing for the true love, because when the partners talk, they can find a decision to every problem, which they have. One big part of the couples breaking up, because they can’t or don’t want to talk. When the love is a true love, she can survive everything. Every problem is a test for the feelings and strength of one relationship. The true love is help. When you really love someone you are ready to help him right away and to do everything for him.

Of course this must be shared. The true love is care, because when you are in love with someone you make everything that your partner can feel fine and loved. When the love is a true love this fact automatically eliminates the egoism, because now you are not alone and you must thing about the wishes, which have the person with who you are. When you love someone you want to make him happy. The true love means support too. The feeling when you know that by you stands someone who loves you and every time will support you, is really great. One love is true when the two in the relationship are frank and honest.

The true love is aspiration for acquaintance of the man who you are in love with. When you became well familiarize with your partner, you will find his entire blemish, but you must not aspire to remove them. If your partner’s love to you is real he will make everything possible to remove them himself. When two people can make so that their character fit and when they can make compromises that mean that these people love each other and their love is a true love. To find the true love means to find a perfect match for you, your half. The people are saying that everyone has a half somewhere over the world, but these who meet her are only a little part.

When the love is shared, she is a true love and makes you one better person and the world look like a better place for a living. When you and your partner have the same thinking and the same conception for the life, you can be together a very long time. The true love is when two people want to spend their time together in loving each other and when their love survives all of the obstacles, which they meet during their life together. Furthermore, if the people are able to keep their love the same as it was in the beginning through out the years, you can say that this is true love. Remember that finding the true love of your life is really hard and you may need more than one lifetime to make that happen, but in the end it will be worth it. Make sure that you will never stop searching for the true love, because there is no set date that you will find it and also the true love is likely to appear in odd circumstances.

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